Advertising is any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization or its product to a target audience through a mass/broadcast medium by an identified sponsor. It should be observe that for any promotional activity to be called advertisement it must be paid for.
In the real sense it is the method used by companies for creating awareness of their products, as well as making new product, known to the new potential consumers.
This thesis however, centers on going beyond just advertising and its impact to sakes turnover of a company. This work will shed light on how advertising can really affect a consumer’s buying decision in growing economy like that of Nigeria and how successful advertising can keep business going even in the midst of a tough competition. More so, advertising as a promotional tool also tends to remind, reassure and influence the decision of the consumers because an advertisement itself enlightens, educates, and persuades consumers on their acceptability of the product offering.
Most companies use an outside agency to help create advertising campaigns and to select and purchase media. Today, advertising agencies are redefining themselves as communications companies that assist clients to improve their overall communication effectiveness by offering strategic and practical advice on many form of communication.
In developing an advertising program, marketing managers must always start by identifying the target market and buyers motives. Then they can make the five major decisions, known as “the five ms”. Mission what is the advertising objective? Money. How much can be spent? Message: what message should be sent? Media: what media should be used? Measurement: How should the result be evaluated? Kotler and Keller (2006)
Advertising in such a media as print (newspaper, magazines billboards, flyers) or broadcast (radio, television ) typically consist of pictures, headlines, information about the product and occasionally a response coupon. Broadcast advertising on the other hand consist of an audio or video narrative that can range from 15 seconds spots to longer segments as informercials, which generally last 30 to 60 minutes. Busari (2002)
Advertisement can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of airports, walkways, on the sides of buses, airplane and train. Advertisements are usually place anywhere an audience can easily and/or frequently access visual and/or video (Busari, 2002)
In a growing economy such as that of Nigeria, it is often very difficult to have a regular and consistent increase in sales volume of a company product because of the political and socio-economic instability in the country which directly affect the standard of living and the purchasing power of the consumers.
This thesis is based on to what extent has going beyond just advertising can have impact on the sales turnover of a company going in business.
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