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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   2,345 people found this useful

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  1. Background to the Study

It has been established throughout time that students perform worse on exams after coming back from a strike. When there is a strike, most students choose not to read, and those who do often forget important lecture topics since there is so much time between lectures and exams.The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) is a militantly active Nigerian union of university academic staff that was established in 1978. A strike is a widespread absence from work brought on by employees. The result of education is a student's performance, which measures how well a student, instructor, or institution has met its educational objectives.

Universities are considered as the fortress of learning, the source of intellectual growth, and a place where tomorrow's leaders are created. A university improves when it is able to give information and value, and it fails in this duty when it is improperly managed by the administrators and personnel, according to Ike (1999). A university fulfills one primary purpose, which is that of a provider of knowledge and value. According to Nwankwo (2000), this explains why distinction has been the guiding principle in the university system—a setting where a student must first be recognized as deserving in character and academic achievement before being admitted to the Honors Degree program.

It is impossible to undervalue the contribution that universities provide to the growth of human capital, research, and technological innovation. Investment in higher education is a crucial part of national development efforts everywhere in the globe. Today's nations rely more and more on the information, concepts, and abilities generated by university-based research. Nations invest in higher education because society anticipates it to have three main effects on national development. The first is that society looks to universities to create highly qualified workers in the fields of technology, engineering, management, and other occupations. The second is that universities must create a corps of academic staff members, or an intellectual resource pool, that will use scientific research to generate new knowledge and innovation to address developmental issues. Thirdly, universities generate managers, administrators, and teachers for higher-level institutions that deal with human resources development. All of these have had a negative impact on the university students' academic performance and have altered the university's overall academic schedule. It is based on this backdrop, that the present study is aimed at investigating the effect of ASUU strike on the student’s academic performance in Nigerian Universities.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

ASUU is requesting that the government carry out a deal it made with it in 2009 about how to prevent the collapse of the country's universities. The administration, on the other hand, is suggesting a selected, piecemeal strategy. Education should be handled as a subject separate from politics and evasive polemics because it is without a doubt too important to the existence of any nation. It is undeniable that Nigeria is not currently paying her children's education to a sufficient level by global standards. In terms of the government, there are also competing demands on the limited resources. This has led to significant disagreements between the government and ASUU and ongoing industrial strike measures.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities' (ASUU) ongoing strikes have unintentionally had an impact on university students' academic performance; they frequently provide significant hurdles to their study time, test performance, and final grade. The majority of the pupils are entirely cut off from academics and kept away from school for extended periods of time since their home environments may not be conducive to rigorous and fruitful academic study. The protracted wait for school to resume, which is a long way off, frustrates the pupils and their parents. Some students participate in activities other than academics when lounging about at home. They may be readily enlisted in various crimes including armed robbery, abduction, and rape. They now pose a threat to the peace and stability of Nigerian society as a result. The impact of ASUU strikes on students' academic achievement, however, has to be closely examined, and this study aims to determine how much it has impacted students' performance, particularly at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State.

1.3 Research Questions

This study sought the following research question:

  1. Does Asuu Strike significant have effect on the academic performance of students in AKSU, Nigeria?
  2. What is the perception of an average University student about ASUU strike action specifically in AKSU?
  3. What are the possible ways of minimizing the effects of ASUU strike on student’s academic performance in Nigeria?
  4. Is there a significant relationship between ASUU strike and academic performance of students in AKSU, Nigeria?
  5. What the roles of Government in reducing the persistent strike action by ASUU?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of ASUU strike on the academic performance of students in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State (AKSU). Other specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To determine the significant effect of strike action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) on students’ academic performance in AKSU, Nigeria.
  2. To examine the perception of an average university student on strike action by Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) in AKSU, Nigeria
  3. To determine the possible ways of minimizing the negative effect of ASUU strike on students’ academic performance in Nigeria.
  4. To determine the significant relationship between ASUU strike and academic performance of students in AKSU, Nigeria

To examine what government can do to reduce the incessant strike action to the barest minimum in AKSU, Nigeria.

1.5 Significance of Study

By educating the students on how to deal with the negative ASUU strikes, this research will advance knowledge by enabling the students to function as expected in their academic work.

Additionally, this study would contribute to the growth of knowledge at the institution and aid advance research.

Again, based on the findings of this study, students would be able to devise fantastic strategies of insuring good performance even in the event of an Academic Staff Union of Universities strike (ASUU). The study's findings may be helpful to policymakers in their future planning.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research is limited to examining the impact of ASUU Strike on Academic Performance of the Student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State. The study will examine all aspects of industrial action in Nigerian universities with a particular focus on Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State and how students see it.The study focused only on ASUU based on their importance in the overall objectives of universities which are: teaching, research and community service. Academic staff members also play a major role in global institutional ranking and national accreditation of universities, therefore, unmanaged or mismanaged conflicts can adversely affect their set goals and objectives.

1.6.1 Justification of the Scope

          The reason for the scope of this study specifically in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State is based on the proximity and being among the old University representing the Universities in the South-eastern part of Nigeria.

1.6.2 Limitation of the Study

A critical impediment to research in Nigeria is poor flow of information and inadequate data and statistics. Also, it is impractical to carry out in-depth analysis due to complex nature of the entire work and lack of resources to carry out total analysis.

Specific instances of limitation include:

  • low quality data and inadequate statistics
  • budgetary limitation
  • time constraint
  • lack of incentive and motivation
  • privacy of information consideration

1.7 Literature Review

          The review of the existing related studies is necessary to determine the positions of the earlier authors which would facilitate the identification of the knowledge gaps inherent in these studies and be able to do justice to it by bridging the identified gaps;

          Edinyang and Ubi (2013) carried out empirical study on the effect of strike action on human development among social studies secondary school students in Uyo Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. With the objective of assessing the extent which disruption in academic program in secondary schools due to strike affect students’ learning effectiveness in social studies. The methodology adopted by the study is survey inferential research design and the focus of the research is secondary school in Uyo. The study finds out that disruption in academic program resulting from strike leads to closure of schools for a period of time. This period may be specific or indefinite thereby affecting students’ learning of the curriculum, hence their development. Disruptions of academic programme resulting from strike action give students undeserved study year extension.

Akindele (2014) researched on towards the stemming of the tide of strikes in tertiary institutions in Nigeria: stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. The study used slight descriptive statistics and expository style in its analysis. The study finally recommended that to stem the tide of strike and move tertiary institution forward, an effective administration of tertiary institutions, adequate funding of education/tertiary education by government, orientation of staff of tertiary institutions are necessary.

Osuorji and David (2014) investigated the effect of incessant strikes on academic performance of business education students in Abu, Zaria. Aiming to determine the extent to which the strike action has affected academic performance of business education students in ABU, Zaria; and to assess the perception of students about incessant strikes on academic performance of Business Education in ABU, Zaria. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The result shows that incessant strikes by lecturers have a resultant effect on the academic performance of the students of business education programme in ABU, Zaria.

Olaniyiand Aina  (2014) worked on the incessant strikes and its effects on business education programme; the study adopted the expository dimension in its analysis and brief survey of what industrial action is. It concluded that failure to resolve and find a lasting solution to the challenges posed by incessant strikes would amount to an evasion of the deeper roots of the problem in Nigeria education.

Ayeni and Kolawole (2014) explored the incessant conflicts and strikes and their effect on the achievement of goals of business education in tertiary institution in Ekiti State. It adopted descriptive research survey design. The finding shows that incessant strike contributed immensely to the challenges confronting tertiary institutions in the state. It was also revealed that incessant strikes contributed to the mass failure on the part of the student. Andconcluded that the study showed that personnel policies have not been effective in preventing conflict and strike behaviours because management are not sincere and committed to matters that concern the staff.

 Olupayimo (2014) examined the impact of incessant strikes on skills acquisition in business education with the aim of selecting the strike action within a specified period to project its impact on skill acquisition in business education programme with the help of survey methodological approach. It is revealed by the study that strike has become the order of the day in Nigeria educational system being the only language understands by the employer (government) and it has a great impact on business education which is essentially based on skill acquisition. The study concludes that incessant strikes had hampered basic skill acquisition business education students were supposed to acquire over the years.

Michael(2013) explored Industrial action in schools: strikes and student achievement. The focus of the research is grade 3 and 6 students in Maths, Reading and Writing in 1996/97 academic year. The data used are student’s scores from education quality and accountability Office (EAQAO). The study concluded that teachers strike in grade 5 or 6 have negative impact on test score growth between grade 3 and 6.

Wills (2014) researched on the effects of teacher strike activity on student learning in South African primary schools, the study adopted a cross section analysis using the students fixed effects to eliminate sources endogeneity bias at student’s level. The findings of the study revealed that teachers strike have negative effects on learning of students in South Africa.

1.7.1 Gap in Literature

          From the foregoing, the study uncovered the fact that none of the existing studies adopted cross sectional design and focuses on Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. Moreover, the existing studies adopted descriptive and inferential survey design without representing the academic performance variable by Grade Point Average (GPA) except the few research works like Michael baker, 2013; Gabrielle Wills, 2014 which their centers of attention are Canada and South Africa respectively.  Hence, the present study seeks to examine the impact of ASUU strike on the academic performance of students.

1.8 Theoretical Framework

          The Authority and Conflict theory was adopted as a theoretical framework for this study.The theorywas developed by Ralf Darhendorf as a result of a critique of Karl Marx's writings (Darhendorf, 1959). He acknowledged that Marx's definition of capitalism was mostly true in the 19th century when Marx was writing, but he contended that it had lost its relevance as a framework for deriving conflict in the 20th century. According to Darhendorf, significant changes have occurred in nations like the United States and Britain, which have transitioned into "post-capitalist" cultures. Darhendorf asserted that, contrary to Marx's prediction, the two primary classes have not become more polarized. The percentage of skilled and semi-skilled employees has increased, as has the number of white collar workers in the "new middle class," including clerks, nurses, and teachers. Inequalities in income and wealth have been reduced, partly because of measures taken by the state.

Social mobility has increased and, most importantly, the relationship between ownership and control in business has deteriorated. Managers manage the means of production on a daily basis rather than owners. Marxists' contention that conflict was based on wealth ownership or lack thereof was no longer true in these conditions. The reason for this was that money and power were no longer closely related. The wealth of a firm, for instance, may be owned by the shareholders, but in reality, they have little direct influence over management.

Darhendorf stated that in light of these modifications, conflict was no longer based on the existence of the two classes that Marx distinguished, nor was it based on economic separation. Darhendorf, on the other hand, believed that war was about power. (1959, Darendorf). According to Darhendorf, authority is the rightful power associated with holding a specific social position within an institution. Thus, for instance, the government has the authority to make judgments regardless of what the workforce might prefer (which includes the Academic Staff Union of Universities-ASUU). All affiliations, as Darhendorf refers to them, have positions of dominance and submission. Some are competent to make wise judgments and provide orders, while others are not. Darhendorf believed that this circumstance served as the catalyst for conflict in contemporary cultures. He thought that the presence of dominating and subordinate roles results in an environment where people have diverse interests. In contrast to individuals in subordinate positions (ASUU), those in dominating positions (Federal Government of Nigeria) have an interest in sustaining the social system that grants them greater power than others. Unlike the economic conflict of interests between the ruling class and the subject class, which Marx described as the root of conflict in society, this conflict of interests is evident in a far wider spectrum of social connections (Dahrendorf, 1959)

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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study One of the most significant influences advancing education globally is information and communication technology (ICT). Several nations have made sign...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   1925 engagements

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study One of the most significant influences advancing education globally is information and communication technology (ICT). Several nations have made sig...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 65 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   707 engagements

CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study One of the key demands of educators, students, and other stakeholders in education is academic accomplishment. Academic performance is determine...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 70 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   772 engagements

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study One of the major obstacles preventing women's advancement has been identified over time as having insufficient access to education. This happens ...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 87 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   268 engagements

ABSTRACT The world of today is technology-driven, and students must learn digital skills in order to adapt into the changing world. Information and communication technology (ICT) has evolved into a m...Continue reading »


 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 64 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   812 engagements

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