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May 21, 2024. Projectclue writers

Overtime students have had so many problems in dealing with their project supervisors. Maintaining a professional relationship has a whole of advantages which must be exploited by every serious minded student like you. Project supervision has a lot of intrigues for every student who wants to make an alpha in his or her project work. The following tips would help you maintain a professional relationship with your project or research supervisor.

1. Avoid EXCESSIVE familiarity with your project supervisor

Getting to personally know your project supervisor is a prerequisite for building a cordial relationship that would help your project work with your project supervisor BUT in other to maintain a professional relationship with your project supervisor, creating an impression of excessive familiarity may actually be misunderstood by your project supervisor which could either lead to outright rejection which can spill over to poor grades in your project work or make your project supervisor immorally approach you. So in other to avoid these, maintaining a cordial or professional relationship but at the same time making it not making it excessive as this would lead to contempt from your project supervisor which no student or researcher prays for. It has been proven that project supervisors tend to misconstrue excessive familiarity.

2. Regularly consult your project supervisor about your project work

It is of essence that your project supervisor be aware of every move you want to make in your project work. This would help maintain a professional relationship with your project supervisor. Most researchers make the mistake of not consulting their project supervisors before either moving to the next phase of their project work or binding and submitting their work. This simply breaks down the relationship with your project supervisor which can lead to poor grades if not adequately handled. Carrying your project supervisor along in your project work has a lot of advantages one of which is avoiding delay in your project defense or correction of a gray area in your work. Consulting your project supervisor about your project work would give that impression of a hardworking students which can only do your future project grade a whole lot of good. In the national universities commission, project is a major determinant of the grade with which a student graduates from school so special care has to be taken in maintaining this professional relationship with your project supervisor so that your project work wouldn’t suffer.


3. Avoid  delay of your project work to your project supervisor

Most students fall into serious problems of late submission for either corrections or general approval for the defense. Delay as people say is dangerous and this applies to research environment. Project supervisors always require you to beat the deadline as this would place you on their good books, it will also give to time to prepare for your project defense or your examinations. Delay in your project work will actually destabilize you in the bid to meet up and this normally results to students having spill-overs or poor grades in examinations. These are what every final year student wouldn’t pray for at this crucial time. Avoiding delay in your research work would help improve and maintain a professional relationship with your project relationship

In conclusion, maintaining a professional relationship with your project supervisor is something that every student who wants to make good grades in his/her project defense must strive to accomplish. These project supervisors come from different backgrounds and have divergent ideologies so maintaining a professional relationship with them would actually put you in a good position to be able to get what you want which I suppose is an alpha in your project work. Good luck!!!