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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 102 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   831 people found this useful

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The study examined the influence of christian values and leadership practices in fostering psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization. The survey research was used in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondents who were administered with questionnaires. Relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed. The target population of the study comprised selected employees from Banks in Ogun State, Nigeria. Three hundred (300) respondents constituted the sample size for this study. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated.Findings revealed that christian values  significantly has impact on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization. Findings of the study also reveals that Leadership practices significantly have impact on psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization. Findings of the study also reveals that leadership styles have a signficant impact on the  organizational Success. Finally, findings of the study further reveals that there is a significant relationship between leadership styles and organizational Success. It was therefore concluded that christian values and leadership practices play a greater role in fostering psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization. It was recommended that  management in as much as they adopted christlike values should adopt  varieties of methods and strategies of leadership styles as the situation may call for employees to put in more effort to meet corporate goals and enhance performance.




An enterprise faces a variety of difficulties in an atmosphere of intense competition. As a result, developing competitive advantages in how an organization develops plans to enhance its operational performance has become the main goal (Jaramilo et al., 2005). Businesses previously placed a strong emphasis on financial performance. However, information development has changed their competitive advantage from tangible financial performance to intangible assets and leadership performance. As a result, it should also take into account non-financial metrics like quality and customer happiness, which may be utilized by businesses to assess their operational performance and strengthen their competitive advantages. The leadership style of administrative supervisors will, however, be vital to an organization's overall operational success if it wants to increase organizational performance. When we reviewed the literature on leadership and performance, we discovered that the majority of papers focused on the impact of a leader's style on the promise and performance of their organization, but very few discussed links between a leader's style, an organization's performance, and a human resource management strategy. Additionally, it wasn't often thought about how the leadership style may effect how smoothly managerial operations are carried out. This study aims to ascertain the role that leadership style plays in the vita foam restricted organization's pursuit of its Successin Nigeria.

Leadership researchers have typically equated well-being with job satisfaction (e.g., Kuoppala et al., 2008). From a criterion perspective, however, this narrow focus on job satisfaction does not fully capture the concept of employee well-being, which is multidimensional (e.g., Grant et al., 2007) and can be measured at broad (e.g., general health) as well as at narrow levels (e.g., specific affects: Warr, 2013). Moreover, other important wellbeing and health outcome variables linked to psychological and physical health (e.g., thriving, sleep quality) are ignored. While the association of leadership with employee job satisfaction is relatively well-established, we cannot infer that relationship between leadership and other well-being outcomes are similar. The same leadership behavior can result in trade-offs between different dimensions of well-being, where actions that may improve, for example, psychological well-being can be detrimental to physical well-being (Grant et al., 2007).

The upshot of this discussion is that the majority of leadership researchers have failed to take employee well-being seriously enough. Thus, our understanding of the impact of a leader’s behavior on employee well-being is underdeveloped and narrowly-focused. Studies that have examined the influence of leadership behavior on follower well-being, beyond that of job satisfaction, focus on narrow aspects of well-being and apply theories and approaches that were principally designed with improving employee performance, rather than well-being (e.g., see Skakon, Nielsen, Borg, & Guzman, 2010, for a review on leadership and employee affective well-being; Montano et al., 2017, for a review on leadership and employee mental health). Moreover, prior reviews have focused on specific leadership styles and outcomes without systematically examining the processes that underlie the relationship between leadership behavior and well-being (e.g., Arnold, 2017; Harms, Credé, Tynan, Leon, & Jeung, 2017; Montano et al., 2017;Skakon et al., 2010).

 The review of pertinent literature will also be a key component of this study. For the purpose of review, an effort will be made to locate earlier works on the subject of this study and similar topics. The influence of christian values and leadership practices in fostering psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization will be examined in the appropriate journals, magazines, newspapers, write-ups, and seminar/conference papers. This study will also cover the various forms of leadership styles, pertinent theories for the field, the relationship between the influence of leadership on employee performance and the variables influencing the choice of leadership styles, and the role of leadership in relation to employees.

1.1 Background to the Study

In order to shape its own destiny, management can be proactive rather than reactive according to a process called leadership style. An organization's visionary leadership is established and provided by a focused organizational leader.

A leader creates workable idioms based on long-term competitive advantages. The downfall of indigenous corporate organizations in developing nations is the lack of proactive strategic management, where management anticipates rather than just identifying and reacting to change. Therefore, it is anticipated that the study's findings will significantly improve leadership practises and have a broad impact on organizational Success. Leadership is the capacity to inspire others to pursue predetermined goals with zeal. Human reality is what ties a group together and drives it toward its objectives (David, 2011).

         According Robin (2010), the ability of leaders to direct, encourage, and inspire subordinates to achieve a specific set of goals in an organization is referred to as leadership. Influence can come from formal sources, such as holding a managerial rank inside a company, or it can come from informal sources outside of the organizational structure. Effective leadership is one of the key factors in total organizational performance, according to the majority of organizational theorists. As a result, an organization's Success determines the organization's overall quality. His leadership style is influenced by a person's inherent traits, the environment in which he operates, and the way that daily events play out. Leaders are not naturally born; rather, they are created. Although a manager is not always a leader, they may be a boss.

When a person provides leadership to a group, he handles relationships in a way that has an impact on how that person or that group behaves which will either improve the Success of the organization or reduces the Success. Leadership is a system of social authority where leaders and superiors influence one another to achieve organizational goals. Leadership is an essential leadership role that calls for the capacity to move a group of people toward a shared goal. Leadership is centred on the development of followers' capacities, aspirations, and growth (Klein et al., 2013).

For managers in leadership roles, it is crucial to pay attention to how the staff's values system, level of motivation, and morale are developing alongside how their Success level are developing (Sougui, 2015). This tactic can ultimately help followers accomplish their goals as they operate in the corporate environment. People that follow you will be inspired to be innovative and adaptable to brand-new technology and alterations in the environment (Khan et al. 2014).

Direct cause-and-effect relationships exist between leadership and the Success of organizations. Values, culture, openness to change, and employee motivation are all determined by leaders. They influence organizational strategies, including how effective and practical they are. It must be highlighted that leaders are not limited to management and can be found at any organizational level (Igbaekemen, 2015).

As a result, everyone is impacted by a leader's actions to further team and organizational goals. However, it is noted that at a particular period, the adoption of a proper leadership style serves as a medium for organizational Success. Any organization's heart and soul is its leadership, so its importance shouldn't be undervalued. The way that managers use their leadership responsibility is known as their leadership style, according to Armstrong Sofi, (2015).  The style is the way a director or boss wishes to act with his or her employees or coworkers in order to achieve the objectives of the organization. It is considered as a specific behaviour used by a leader in a firm to empower staff to achieve these objectives. Today's businesses place a high priority on leadership style.  Leadership and how they carry out their duties as leaders. Leaders need to be able to assess how their influence on their followers supports or hinders those followers (Saleem, 2015).

This might have an impact on how followers behave toward their leaders; followers or workers who don't respect their leaders might be vulnerable to disappointment, which might lead to an employee's decision to quit. According to Iqbal (2015) a leader's style can affect an employee's degree of job satisfaction, and leadership style influences job satisfaction. It suggests that a leader's behaviour or leadership style affects an employee's willingness and motivation to leave a company as well as their level of job satisfaction. It is important to remember that, despite low salary, the appropriate leadership approach could nevertheless motivate a worker to give the organization their all. It is to this the study centres on the impact of leadership style in the achievement of organizational Success gin Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Effective accomplishment in companies requires a leadership style of management as a prerequisite. The degree of subordinate decision-making involvement and the administrative structure of an organization are both influenced by the leadership styles. Leaders that are excessively domineering are frequently found in organizations with low levels of efficiency. They alone are in charge of making decisions.

A person mental and emotional involvement in a group setting is created through decision-making participation, which motivates him or her to participate to group goals and bear responsibility for them. The main issue with most organizations is that the relationships between the leaders and their subordinates are not democratic. In fact, the majority of leaders in organizations choose an authoritarian style. They set the agenda and are given priority in the organization's management. It is not a fad that subordinates must be involved in decision-making.

It is undeniably the fundamental urge in males and is deeply ingrained in the cultures of free men all around the world. The competency of the leaders chosen to fill these positions is another issue that affects leadership style in businesses. Most of the time, some of their selections are unworthy. Such an organization ends up with qualified leaders who are unable to employ the proper leadership style to guide the members toward achieving predetermined goals or objectives. As a result, rather than "round pegs in round holes," some of these organizations frequently employ "round pegs in square holes." As soon as this situation occurs, statements will be made on how these leaders should act or run the organization, which will have an impact on its objectives. It is to this the study centres on the the influence of christian values and leadership practices in fostering psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization.

1.3 Research Questions of the Study

          The following questions will direct this study;

  1. What  is the impact of christian values on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization?
  2. What  is the impact of leadership practices on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization?
  3. What are the factors that influence organizational Success in in Nigeria?
  4. What is the impact of leadership styles on the organizational Successin Nigeria?
  5. What is the relationship between leadership styles and organizational Successin Nigeria?

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to examinethe influence of christian values and leadership practices in fostering psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization. Other general objectives of the study are:

  • To determinethe impact of christian values on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization
  • To ascertain the  impact of leadership practices on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization
  • To examine the impact of leadership styles on the organizational Success To examine the relationship between leadership styles and organizational Success

1.5 Research Hypotheses

          The study hypothesized the following;

Hypothesis One

H0: Christian values  will not significantly have impact on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization

H1: Christian values  will significantly have impact on the psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization

Hypothesis Two

H0: Leadership practices will not sgnificantly have impact on psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization

H1: Leadership practices will sgnificantly have impact on psychological well - being and entrepreneurial  success in an organization

Hypothesis Three

H0: Leadership styles does not have signficant impact on the  organizational Success

H1: Leadership styles have a signficant impact on the  organizational Success

Hypothesis Four

H0: There is no significant relationship between leadership styles and organizational Success

H1: There is a significant relationship between leadership styles and organizational Success


1.6. Importance of the Study

The findings of this study will contribute to the knowledge of the role that Christian values and leadership play in psychological well-being and entrepreneurial success.

The implications of this research can provide valuable insights for organizational leaders seeking to cultivate a positive work culture that fosters psychological well-being and supports entrepreneurial success

The study of organizational leadership styles on organization changes see to be important both from the theoretical and practical perspective. The cause of organizational collapse might have wrong leadership styles, poor implementation of styles, wrong leadership styles and other elements.

This study will assist to enhance the understanding of organizational leadership styles on environment as influence factor in organization changes.

The result could be used as a guide for existing organization to adopt in order to survive and sustain growth. Therefore, this study can help managers to correctly adopt leadership styles for decision making which can be used to achieve, control and coordinate their activities more effectively in any organization.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The  scope of this study is limited to the role that Christian values and leadership play in psychological well-being and entrepreneurial success in Nigeria.


1.8 Limitation of the Study

          The following were the limitations encountered in this study;

1. Small Sample size:  Due to time constraint,  the researcher was not able to use all population intended for this study, hence, the findings of this study only have internal validity but lack external validity.

2. Non-challant attitude of the respondents: Some of the respondents even when told about the purpose of the study did not still comply in responding to the questionnaires and some who did did not complete it.

3. Financial constraint was one of the limitation hindering the researchers to extend his exploratory intentions to a greater population.

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