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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 121 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   3,779 people found this useful

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This  study examines the relationship between the third world countries and the western capitalist countries. It shows dependency as a phenomenon or problem of relationship that gave rise to the economic growth and development of the western world in expense of the third world societies which are economically underdeveloped, and lack  the capacity  and ability to control the economic system or productive processes of the societies. In our attempt to analyze and address this problem we used dependency theory for the analytical framework while documentary research method was employed in gathering and analyzing data. Unequal relationship between Nigeria and countries of the western world coupled with negative role of the Nigeria economic elite was discovered as the major problem, it was ascertained that this problem is historically rooted in foundation of the society, as such, ordinary measures are not suitable, rather concrete type in form of socialist transformation is recommended by the study.




Economic dependency is the lack of capacity and ability to control the economic system or productive process of a society such that the society as a state depends on foreign developed economy states for leadership and control through regulations and some economic institution. The country that are depending on the rest are mostly poor countries of the third world, Nigeria is a typical poor third world country and underdeveloped that depend on the western world for decision and implementation of economic policies , thereby contributing to the economic development of the west to  her own detriment. For example, (SAP) structure Adjustment programme of 1986, National Directorate  of employment (NDE) of 1986, Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) poverty alleviation programme etc. all seems to have end in failure after gulping in estimate material and human resources, funded with loan and the associated  intrest.

Since the economic structure is disarticulated, being the main structure; the foundation; on which rise the political super structure; and which controls both the intellectual and material production, the implication is the underdevelopment of the entire society. The state of underdevelopment of the entire society raises serious alarm in whole third world countries and the international community. Historically,  most of the third world countries suffering dependency. Passed common rigorous stages of development from slavery  to colonialism/imperialism, and to and to the contemporary globalization. What   distinguished one stage from the other was the intensification of the rate of suppression and exploitation mounted on the poor third world countries by the economically developed west.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

What makes human is the ability to be independent from the wills of other people. People of the third world are regarded as sub-human being because of absolute economic dependency on the western developed economies. The problem of the study is that Nigeria like other third world countries has being suffering underdevelopment which emanated from dominant exploitative character of the western economies on which those of the third world  depend. The foregoing raises some major questions:

  • What is the major cause of economic dependency  in Nigeria?
  • What is the role of Nigerian economic elite in the economic dependency problem of the country?

What role do multinational companies play in sustaining economic dependency?


In the light of the consideration therefore is the purpose of this work which becomes the task of identifying the historical forces which has generated economic underdevelopment has continues to reproduce itself till today. This history of economic underdevelopment will be traced from the period of colonization to the present time.

         It is the aim of this study to examine certain crucial concepts that are closely related to the problem of economic dependency and underdevelopment, specifically:

  1. It will investigate the major cause of economic dependency in Nigeria.
  2. To discover the impact or the role Nigerian economic elite in the economic dependency problem of the country.
  3. To examine the role of Multinationals in the economic dependency of Nigeria

1.4.     Significance Of Study

This work will serve as material to other researcher and in practical it will serve as a tool to the government guiding them on implementation of policies, this policies shall serve as a guide to Nigerians development.

          This work, prescribes how to manage the nations resources, for the benefit of the general citizens, and this will determine the relevance of the existing government policies.

1.5. Theoretical   Framework- Dependency Theory.

          It is important to explain what the theory is all about in order to achieve a more concrete understanding of the theoritical framework of the study to this end, therefore, a theory functionally can be defined as a set of ideas, which provide an explanation for something. In this study, some scholars in Latin America and Africa have there views concerning this theory. They include: Dos Santos ,Andre Gunder etc.

        According to Dos Santos (1979) “Dependency relates to a situation which the economy of certain countries is conditioned by the development and expansion of the other to which the former is subjected .The relation of inter dependence between two or more economies , and between these and the world trade ,assumes the form of dependence when some countries the dominant ones which are the capitalist nations like America can expand and can be self sustaining while other countries the dependent ones like Nigeria can do this only as a reflection  of expansion which can have either a negative or positive effect on their immediate development. ”There basic assumption is that there is a dialectical relationship between development and underdevelopment ,in other words according to Andre Frank(1975) “Development and under development are two different sides of a universal historical process. ”To him what causes under development in third world is as a result of what brought about development in Europe and America.       

        This dependency concerns the centre which refers to the technological advanced countries of the world and the periphery refers to the third world countries, also, when looking at this theoretical framework we talk about the centre of the centre which refers to the urban areas of the world. Centre’s of the periphery refers to the urban centre  of the developing countries like Nigeria, periphery of the centre refers to the rural areas of the industrialized countries  while the periphery of the periphery refers to the rural areas of the developing country.

          This is a relationship where the centre of the developed countries dictates the terns of their co-existence economically, socially and politically. there is an exploitative and vertical relationship between the centre of the centre and the centre of the periphery in this setup. Looking at this case the periphery is subordinate to the centre. In this, the centre is assigned the role of manufacturing industrial products while the periphery produces primary goods – raw materials and needed resources, the periphery now depends on the centre for her economic survival and consumption of the already made products.

          I prefer this theory because it truly illustrates the exploitative natures of the developed countries to the less developed country. (LCD)  which led to  dependency.


1.6. Hypotheses:

              For the purpose of guidance and in order to achieve the statements of problems and the objectives of this study, the researcher has proposed the following hypothesis.

  • The unequal exchange between the advanced capitalist countries and third world country like Nigeria enhances economic dependency.
  • The activities of the Nigeria economic elite sustain the dependency problem of Nigeria.
  • The activities of Multinational Corporations  perpetuates Nigeria continued dependent on the advanced countries.

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