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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 67 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis  ::   3,508 people found this useful

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Health is the most essential inquedient of life, deny man of that, he remains impotent in life.  Pegte do not value their good state of health until they have experience one form of sickness or another.

          However, as it is being said that health is wealth, issues of health has overwhelmed our daily comments since revolution of science.  According to records, sickness of various kinds has endangering the life of various citizens of Nigeria before, during and after the reign of colonial masters.  Even at present, people of Nigeria among other developing countries still his and sign our the detriment of sickness especially communication diseases like syphilis and AIDS, etc.

          On the other hand, communication system during the era was at its least functional stage that people of the third world countries rely on local.  Communication for their exchange of ideas.  The use of graphic representation does not have powerful effect on people.  The use of metal and wooden gong gun shots and smokes do not impact much information to people and some new they are selective in nature and health messages  are retarded.

          Communication came and persisted in its function to entrance philosophers and seventieths quest to standardize the health welfare of people.  Communication nature and modernized people of the third world and make them embrace changes in their health environment.  One would day that since the advent of modern communication system, health issue has embraced a new and prosperous era in the society.

          Nevertheless, white men came to relief Africa from the torture terrified diseases with the aid of modern drug and communication function to educate, inform and enculturation the people on the novel medicare.  Since then the policy of health has being a dynamic ongoing process less academia’s would ask a million question on the immunization programmes since sickness has been pervasive, government, non-governmental organizations (NHO) and individuals are to fight it to a stop though the media.


What is responsible for human death because a centroclinal issue.  Considering the logerity of plants, early philosophers get worried on the quick passing away of animal.  At a time they referred death as a “cheat on nature that come whenever it nill” – William shakes peare, as well as mystic transformation of human life philosophers in Egypt and Melia worked towards the mystery of presenting life with roots and herbs.  As a result of this, records have Egypt as the firs place on earth to introduce medicine, which has perpetuated throughout the universe.

However, since Emerged in enthusiasm to discover and subdue human problems.  It is true that science is a discipline that is anchored in the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge in the ability to question the nature of being and critical investigation of causes and effect.

Between 1500 – 1800, there was radical scienctific renolution.  The rush and determination to discover science by man arise as a result of conflict noticed between different beliefs and attempts by man to achieve an improved environmental status.  Economic necessity and the need to wipe out ignorance, improve health conditions and the craze for knowledge propelled the growth of science through historic perspectives.

Subsequently, the invention of penicillin championed the discoverers in exploration of health: Amtione Laurent Laviisier 91743 – 1794), the French chemist made uncamtable steps in the use of chemical in the production of health prevention and curing tablets during his time.

Besides, in 1960’s and 70’s Nigerian due to the in ignorance on health issues were tortured by the epidemic of child diseases especially in early 70’s and late 60’s.  Also epidemic sexual transmitted diseases like Gonorrhea peppered the youths, married men and women.  During the period over 20,000 citizens especially the children between one to tem years lost their lives.  This is because people in the rural areas dwell more on roots and herbs with little or no precautions.  These threaten the health of the nation and then pushed the country for campaign and may be relieved in these predicaments.

Furthermore, Acquired immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a recent recognized disease throughout the world.  1st is called by infection with the Thuman Immune Defficiency Virus (HIV) which attack selected cells in the immue system and produces defects in function.

AIDS cases were first reported in 1981 in USA. Because it was common among homo-sexual then it was originally termed “Gay related immene deficiency disease” but in defense to Gay activism, the medical community renamed.  It the Acquired immure deficiency syndrome (AIDS) This was more be as it was soon discovered that intravenous drug users, IVOUS, hemophiliac and recipients of blood transfusion were ecognized as being at increased risk of the disease as well.  The mass media, which compares channels of mass communication, has been empowered by recent technological innovations to disseminate relevant information on the hazard of this endless sickness.  Such sickness like messles, tetanus and whooping cough has reduced its victimization to the members of the society in the recent days.

Consequently the benefits of immunization programme cannot be over emphasized.  At present children youths, and even people of age are relieved from contaminating diseases.  Media participation since the initiation of modern means of communication in the 14th century by cyutembeng is tremendous.  Bringing it closer to our geographic scope, many health campaign activities has been prosperous to prevent or minimize health problems.  The Ebonyi leprosy on guimea worm, Orji River – River blindness, malaria and typhoid campaigns as practically endowed in the health awareness system which I will see in the subsequent chapters.


The mass media as we know are grouped under print or broadcast.  In a simple way, mass media include Radio, television, newspaper, magazines, billboards, music, books, journals, home video and publicity.  On the other hand, the mass media function include surveillance on information, education, entertainment, mebilization, advertising and marketing etc.

          However, these in its functions encourage the impacting or information and reaction by the audience which cannot be over-emphasized especially in a developing countries like Nigeria and others.  It is not doubtful any longer, that mass media properly operated work together with its function to the society facilitate social changes which includes the controlling and prevention of that ravages human health beyond repair Obviously, Nigerian mass media have a long and distinguished history of using can medication to

          Mobilize popcorn the cause of sexual transmitted diseases AIDS.

The benefits of effective and intensive breast feeding

Encourage the support of immunization programme to enhance better health programmes.  Give people the information they need to protect them selves from infection associated with communicable disease or sexually transmitted disease.  Impact fear in people on the danger of not being health conscious.

The question is to how extent has media caryat these functions.

This study therefore is tailored to resolve of these conflicting issues and consequently, contribute to debase about the role of the Nigerian mass media in the health awareness system.

          Moreover, we shall partly examine some institutional and factors which influence the mass media in Nigeria.  We shall at the time of analysis reveal, mass media that participated in the content of diseases in Nigeria especially socially transmitted diseases (STD).


The objective of the study is to estimate the extent of mass media coverage on health system awareness system in Nigeria.

          Also, it is to analyze their performance, in effective, in other words the most likely way they have improved in the speedy; efficient, effective and qualitative method of health awareness.

          Thirdly; as pioneer – investigators accepted popular impression of the mass media as capable of being employed to inform, educate, alert as well as used to encourage people to move away from absence behaviours capable of exposing one to HIV infection far a more sanitized and health environment.

          It also includes to ascertain the relationship between health institutions and the media houses as it concerns elastic health awareness to the public.


The relevance of this study is to strengthen the strategic thinking and programmes of development to scrutinize how the Nigerian mass media towards health awareness system along side various element on national health programmes are being designed; implemented and monitored.  These will equally embrace the strategies at health information.

          It is hoped that this study will give an insight into the effectiveness of the mass media and other channels of communication as to whether information sent through the mass media” can and does make a difference in promoting change” as it concerns health.  Another reason for this is to evaluate the effectiveness of public campaign though the mass media.  For instance, immunization campaign, its need and how convincing messages are to the members of the society.

1.5            RESEARCH QUESTION

We are most desired to satisfy hypothetical and imaginary questions concerning the issue of mass media and involvement in health awareness.  This is to guide our research principles so as to come up with a dependable conclusion.  The following will remain satisfied in our work.

1.                 Is health necessary in human life ?

2.                 Are diseases really a genuine threat to people?

3.                 Do health in any way effect the nations economy?

4.                 is the any need of fight sickness to a stop?

5.                 Should the mass media be partner or collaborators with government and health ministry in saving our nation from the grips of disease?

6.                 Is there any need to assess media participation in disease control?

7.                 How committed is media on health messages?

8.                 Does mass media health campaign have powerful effect on citizen?

9.                 Are all health campaign carried by media paid for as advert?

10.            Do mass media voluntarily carryout health message messages as a service to the society?

11.            Do all media participate in health campaign?

12.            To what extent has media helped in health awareness?

13.            Of what significant in NTA Enugu and health care magazine in health mobilization?

14.            Are all health campaign carried by media paid for as advert?


HI:    Members of the society have the time to get mass media campaigns on health awareness.

HO:  Members of the society do not have time to get mass media campaign on health awareness.

H2:   The society are influenced by the mass media campagn on health issues.

HO:  The society is not influenced by the media on health awareness issues.

H3;   Parents testraint their children against sexual transmitted diseases because of media campaign.

HO:  Parents do not restraint their children against sexually transmitted diseases because of media campaign.

H4:   Nursing mothers have improved in their response to immunization programmes.

HO:  Nursing mothers have no improve in their response to immunization programmes.

1.7            ASSUMPTION

It is assumed that, majority of the populace though has been threatened by one sickness or another have not actually adhere to instructions and warning for health victimization.  The implication of health hazards to individuals life and the society in general, considering the destructive inde it poises to plunge on our merest future with its promise and aspiration need a re-addressing to improve the living standard.  Equally, we assume that the mass media is not versatile in health campaign unless it is a pad announcement, that mass media messages on health do not create a powerful effect on the public.

1.8            LIMITATION OF STUDY

This work is expected to evaluate the health coverage system in Nigeria by the mass media, but we would not in all expectation claim hundred percent (100%) success, due to problems that cropped during our research.  However, the study as to a reasonable extent affected by unavailability of human resources, in credible return of our shared questionnaire, which jeopardize our exploration on some necessary aspect of the topic.

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