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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 80 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   720 people found this useful

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The study examined the impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment. A surve was used in this study to sample the opinion of respondents. This method involved random selection of respondents who were administered with questionnaires. Relevant conceptual, theoretical and empirical literature was reviewed. The target population of the study comprised selected the Federal Ministry of Environment in Nigeria. The questionnaire administered was four hundred (400) copies and three hundred and ninety-eight copies (389) retrieved which constitute the sample size. The descriptive and analytical approach was adopted using Chi-square to test and analyze the hypotheses earlier stated. Findings revealed that there is significant impact of staff training and development on organizational performance. Findings there is a significant relationship between staff training and development and organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment. It was suggested that workshop training / seminars for the staff in order not to make them outdated and improve their efficiency.




  1. Background of the Study

Due to growing competition brought on by globalization, technological advancements, and changes in the political and economic climate, businesses are now training their staff as a means of getting them ready to deal with the aforementioned changes and improve performance (Evans et al., 2012). It's critical to not discount the overwhelming evidence of knowledge expansion in business corporations during the past ten years. This expansion has been fueled by greater efforts to strengthen organizational human resources as well as advancements in technology and a mix of production variables. Therefore, improving employee work performance is the duty of every firm, and most businesses must take significant measures to do this by implementing training and development programs. As it is clear that employees are a valuable resource, it is necessary to maximize their contribution to the objectives and goals of the business in order to maintain successful performance. Managers are consequently required to guarantee that there is a sufficient supply of workers who are technically and socially adept and have the potential to advance into specialized divisions or management roles (Afshan et al., 2012).

Employee training and development is the most significant aspect of human resource management, and it is quickly garnering attention from companies. Employers have a vital resource for supporting employee growth and increasing productivity in the form of employee development, which typically takes the shape of training. This type of program is recognized for improving workers' functional, cognitive, and psychomotor abilities (Ezeani & Oladele, 2013). The growth of the workforce is one of the most crucial organizational processes. It serves as the turning point for how an organization manages its survival. One of the most common ways to increase individual productivity and inform staff of organizational goals is through the employee development process (Olaniyan & Lucas, 2008). Therefore, a key factor in determining how much Nigerian public sector will accomplish as a whole is how successfully we develop and use human resources capabilities. Every human institution revolves around its human resources. Manpower is still very important even in wealthy and industrialized countries where the use of technology and machines is at an advanced stage (Comma, 2018).

Access to future opportunities for growth and development to create a competitive edge is made possible through employee development. Businesses in this circumstance invest as much time as possible on training and developing their employees to improve their performance (Devi &Shaik, 2012). Leading scholars have long acknowledged that management has a crucial impact in the development of employees (Irene, 2013). Physical, interpersonal, cognitive, and other sorts of training are essential for boosting output and encouraging staff development in every company (Olusanya et al, 2012). Employing qualified individuals is a requirement for managing any size firm. Job specification skills needed for a position in a given firm are not sufficiently taught in the formal education system. Few workers possess the necessary SKACs (Skills, Knowledge, Abilities, and Competences) to do their jobs. Therefore, many need intensive training to gain the required SKAC in order to be able to significantly contribute to the organization's growth especially in the public sector (Baha et al., 2015).

Furthermore, the contribution of employees to the purposes and objectives of the public sector must be maximized in order to maintain economic growth and successful performance. Training and development of human resources are crucial for the efficiency of public sector organizations in emerging nations like Nigeria (Ezeani & Oladele, 2013).  Employee development is also essential to ensuring that there is a sufficient pool of workers who are socially and technically adept and qualified to advance into management or specialized areas. As a result, the process of employee growth is constantly required, and training plays a crucial role in it. As a result, training should be seen as a crucial step in the whole quality management process.

Beardwell and Holden (2015) argue that the recent increase in competitiveness and the relative success of businesses that place a strong emphasis on staff development have had a significant impact on the acknowledgment of the value of employee development in public sector organizations in Nigeria Hence, for an enhanced public sector performance, development in form of training is essential. Employees lack a solid understanding of their obligations without it. Programs that give employees knowledge, new abilities, or chances for professional development are referred to as employee development. When it was determined that most of the top government and corporate posts were held by foreigners in 1960, training in the public sector began (Olalere & Adesoji, 2013). After independence, there was a significant shortage of skilled indigenous human capital due to the exodus of the European population. As a result, the Federal Government of Nigeria established a Manpower Board in 1962 in line with the recommendations of the Ashby Commission (Olalere & Adesoji, 2013).

In order to train and retrain staff members as well as provide directions to graduates of formal academic institutions, the Federal Government of Nigeria established complementary institutions such as the Central area for Management Development (CMD), Administrative Staff College of Nigeria, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), and Federal Training Centre (Olalere & Adesoji, 2013). The difference between an ideal and an optimum stage of growth is filled in by development. However, needs emerge on the job when actual and desired work methods or desired and actual results are compared.  Smith and de Cronje (2010) refer to the generic approaches, performance analysis, and competency evaluation as three methods for determining needs. Competency evaluation places more emphasis on opportunities for improvement than performance analysis does on flaws or issues. After determining how they think people should behave, trainers create a training programme to provide employees with the necessary abilities. It is only possible to carry out training when it has been identified which employees need it and what their existing levels, knowledge, and skills are. As a result, the evaluation of the person will reveal the variety of abilities and information that must be acquired. Keep in mind that the training gap will ultimately be determined by the disparity between actual performance and necessary performance, which will then show how much training is required. Employee development which includes raining is the process of bridging the performance gap between the desired standard performance and the current performance. Different techniques, including coaching and mentoring, peer cooperation, and engagement by the subordinates, can be used to provide training.

Performance in the other hand is a subjective view of reality, which explains the concept's and its measurement tools' plethora of critical reflections. The numerous studies in the subject of performance at the worldwide level are also attributable to the global financial crisis, which has resulted in a constant demand for development in the area of entity performance. The term "organizational performance" is frequently used in academic literature, yet it is rarely defined. Due to the enormous range of ideas used in defining performance, the presence of a misunderstanding of this notion is being largely discussed. As a result, terms like productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, economic system, earning capacity, revenue, and competition are used interchangeably to describe organizational performance. As a result, a clear and precise definition of the concept of performance is becoming increasingly important. The term "performance" initially appeared in the mid-nineteenth century, and it was first used to describe the outcome of an athletic event. The concept grew and established a succession of meanings in the twentieth century that were supposed to encompass the broadest sense of what is to see through performance. There is currently no performance that is not tied to specific organizational objectives and goals. Attaining the goals equates to getting the desired results. This is because an organization's objectives are difficult to define clearly and are becoming increasingly numerous, performance is becoming increasingly difficult to quantify, as it is a relative metric.

For the public sector to grow and succeed, employee development is a crucial instrument that must be used to improve the public sector performance. Employers and employees in public sector can both benefit from it. If an employee is properly trained, he will prove to be more effective and productive which will enhance organizational performance.  Employers may create and improve the quality of their current workforce by offering extensive training and development. By letting employees realize how crucial their jobs are and arming them with all the knowledge they need to do their duties, training is necessary to increase productivity as well as to excite and motivate them (Anonymous, 2016). Employee development generally has the following benefits in providing higher job satisfaction, greater motivation and morale, which translate into financial gains; increased process efficiency; additional capacity to adopt innovative techniques; increased innovation in strategies and products; and lower employee turnover which will generally improve the performance of the public sector.

Today, there are a plethora of research studies—both descriptive and prescriptive—that concentrate on various aspects of training programs as well as their costs and advantages for corporate entities (Becker & Gerhart, 2016). In addition, companies are increasingly acknowledging the profitability of growing their human resources via various types of training as they have grown to see the need of training for their survival in this era's knowledge-intensive and turbulent marketplaces (Salas & Cannon-Bowers, 2011). Any organization's human resource capital is crucial, thus personnel may be strengthened through training and retraining (Khan et al., 2011).

Despite the evident importance of training, it is commonly assumed that training programs would always provide the same amount of information. Some human resources departments seldom ever consider if training a specific employee at a specific moment is necessary or suitable. Employees are frequently sent on training with covert intentions.Nelson (2010) discovered that some of the businesses who skip employee training do so out of both financial and psychological fear of losing their trained staff. It is based on the backdrop that the present study aims to examine the effect of employee development on organizational performance in Lagos state motor vehicle administration agency.

  1. Statement of the Problem

In spite various government interventions and efforts over the years; the Nigerian public sector’s score-card has remained poor performance and inefficiency. Considering the important role of training and development in bringing the Nigerian public service to an enviable height, if those that are expected to execute policies of the government and manage public affairs are not well trained and knowledgeable, there would definitely be a problem and obviously the achievement of the objectives for which they were employed might be affected. The main goal of employee development to give people the knowledge they need to be qualified for a certain job or to enhance their abilities and effectiveness in the position they already occupy. On the other side, staff development entails growth and the learning of broad experience for future organizational strategies. The level of individual and organizational skills is raised by employee training, making it a crucial component of increased organizational effectiveness. Although it is well acknowledged that investing in training is one of the methods required for businesses to promote organizational performance and productivity, many public sector organizations do not reflect the advantages of training (Asfew et al., 2015). The Nigerian public sector continues to perform poorly and inefficiently despite several government interventions and initiatives. If those responsible for carrying out governmental policies and managing public affairs are not adequately trained and knowledgeable, there will undoubtedly be a problem given the significant role that training and development have played in elevating the Nigerian public service to an admirable level. It is found that previous researchers have concentrated on the importance and benefits of training and no study has been carried out on the challenges faced by the HR departments of motor vehicle administration agency in the selection of employees for training/development. In order to fill this gap, the researcher is compelled to conduct a study on the effect of employee development on organizational performance in Lagos state motor vehicle administration agency.

1.3       Aim and Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment. Other specific objectives study includes:

  1. To determine the impact of staff training and development on organization performance in Federal Ministry of Environment
  2. To examine the major factors affecting Staff Training and Development at the Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria
  3. To assess the ways enhancing of staff training and development in Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria
  4. To examine the significant relationship between staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What are the impact of staff training and development on organization performance in Federal Ministry of Environment?
  2. What are the major factors affecting Staff Training and Development at the Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria?
  3. What are the ways enhancing of staff training and development in Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria?
  4. What is the relationship between staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment Nigeria?

1.5 Research Hypotheses                                   

In order to enable the researcher to determine the impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment, the following hypotheses were tested:

Hypothesis 1

H0: There is no significant impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment

H1:There is no significant impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment

Hypothesis 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between staff training and development and organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment

H1: There is a significant relationship between staff training and development and organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment

1.6 Significance of the Study

            The study will help firms understand the importance of development and training programs. It will also enable them structure their development and training programs to make them more effective in terms of helping to improve the efficiency of the workforce and lead to better performance. This also ensures the existence of a pool of skilled workforce who could be utilized for national development. Labour is a major input to the success of the company. If labour is efficient it will help improve the performance of the company. As companies perform better they are able to increase output and contribute more to the economy. They are also able to grow and hire more people thus helping to decrease the level of unemployment. As companies perform better, they are also able to compete better enabling the economy to remain vibrant.

            The study will help the top management in taking strategic decision that affect training and development for the overall growth of Lagos state motor vehicle administration agency

            The study will also be of great benefit to student researchers who wish to research more into the impact employee training has had on the overall performance of public organizations. The study will serve as a guide to these students who may further get more insights into the recommendations and findings from the study thereby, forming an empirical literature for them.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study is limited on the impact of staff training and development on organizational performance in Federal Ministry of Environment. The study is also delimited to employee development programmes, employee training design and delivery style, post-training performance evaluation of training on organizational performance of public organizations. Furthermore, the geographical scope of the work will be in Lagos state in Nigeria.

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