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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 74 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   797 people found this useful

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This study is set out to “an investigation on the factors affecting students’ performance in English language”. Methodology: Relevant data were drawn from selected teachers and students from selected secondary schools in Akure, using a well-structured questionnaire. Chi-square was used to check the hypotheses. The result of the findings revealed that availability of study aids is one of the factors that influences students’ academic performance in the study of English Language in secondary schools and the study habits of students is one of the factors that influences students’ academic performance in the study of English Language in secondary schools. Study conclusion and policy recommendations: The study concluded that consequently, providing sufficient learning materials, parental involvement, and teacher’s competency   to the student is of paramount importance in as far as performance of English is concerned. However, the presence of the above for the teachers will help improve academic performance of students. Finally the study recommends: that Government of  Ondo state in collaboration with parents and other education stakeholders (CBE’s and NGOs) should provide teaching learning materials to schools such as infrastructures, textbooks, reference books, chalks, chairs, desks and other basic needs required by a students in learning English. The government should maintain standards in teaching and learning process. Also, the government should sensitize parents to invest in education since it is the most effective way to stimulate productivity and eliminate ignorance, poverty, hunger and diseases in the society

1.1 Background To The Study

Education is the most important aspect of human resource growth, and it plays a key role in the continued development of many nations. There is no dispute that education is essential to a country's success, as no nation can prosper without educated individuals.

The adoption of English as the only mode of classroom teaching in Nigerian schools has had a significant impact on students' academic achievement due to the pupils' unfamiliarity with the language. Students who struggle with communication skills are less likely to succeed academically, which is why English is so vital in the Nigerian educational system.

According to Sparkes (2019),Global safety, health, prosperity, and ecosystem services are all aided by education. It encourages social, economic, and creative progress, as well as tolerance and cross-national and global cooperation.

Sexual identity, age, teaching staff, students' school education, father/guardian social economic status, residential neighborhood of students, medium of teaching in schools, student fees trend, regular study hour, and housing as hostels or day scholars are all factors that influence academic gain and learning performance. Many scholars did extensive research into the factors that influence student performance at various levels of study especially in the performance of students in English.

Graetz (1995) proposed that "a student's scholastic progress is highly influenced by the social position of the student's families in society."

Considine and Zappala (2002)It has been observed that a parent's money or social position has a positive impact on a student's test score in an examination in English Language.

Asogwa (2018)The assessment of students' past educational outcomes are the most essential markers of students' future achievement," according to the researcher. This means that the better the student's past appearance, the better the student's school achievements in future endeavors. Many research have been undertaken in the subject of student achievement, and these research identify and analyze a variety of elements that influence a student's academic performance in school and colleges.

Students' commitment, parents' educational backgrounds, household income, students' self-motivation, age, learning profile, and entry qualification are identified as major elements that influence students' academic achievement in various settings.

Sparkes (2019)According to the report, a dearth of English teachers and a lack of teaching and learning resources had a negative impact on students' performance. However, her findings revealed that the presence of incompetent teachers who are untrained, under-qualified, and trained resulted in the omission of some complex subjects from the syllabus, as well as students' rare use of English at school and at home, large class sizes, teachers' obligations, a poor favourable learning environment in the classroom setting, limited home support surroundings, and economic hardship.

According to Asogwa(2018)Students' effort, families' education, household income, self-motivation, student age, academic learning, class participation, and entry qualifications are all elements that have a substantial impact on students' academic performance in English language.

According to Asogwa(2018)did a study on the socioeconomic status of students' parents and came to the conclusion that a student's socioeconomic background had a significant impact on their academic achievement.

Pedrosa et al (2006) In their examination of social and educational backgrounds, they discovered that students from low socioeconomic and educational backgrounds did better than those from higher socioeconomic and educational backgrounds.

Eamon (2005) “Those students, who usually come from a low socioeconomic background or live in a rural location, have poor academic performance and low test scores as compared to other classmates or their peers”.

According to Sparkes (2019),several factors are suggested to have contributed to the students' poor academic performance in English Language. Poor study routines and a lack of available resource materials, as well as a negative school climate, misbehaviour, insufficient school facilities, unproductive teachers, teaching methods, and the type of learning environment obtainable to both students and teachers, are all factors that may contribute to students' poor academic performance in English Language. The authors believe that students' poor performance in school is a consequence of the learning environment.

Farombi (2011) found that a negative school climate, learning resources, discipline, physical facilities, low teacher quality, a problematic school location, small class sizes, and congestion in classes can all have a negative impact on kids' academic achievement in English Language.

Flanders (2018) opined that Students' academic achievement in English is influenced by elements such as their study habits. Students' study habits should help to their academic performance. Some students don't show up for class, don't take notes, don't finish tasks, don't read their books, and don't use the library. Their academic performance, particularly in English, may be harmed as a result of their attitudes. Students' diverse study habits and how they relate to their academic performance. For years, educationists, counselors, and educational planners have been concerned about the disturbing phenomenon of academic underperformance and failure, as these amounts to huge waste of academic materials. It is on this the study centers on an investigation on the factors affecting students performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Akure Ondo state


performance is something that everyone expects to be of higher quality because of the roles that the sector plays in providing community service; on the other hand, individuals who do not perform well cannot give successfully to human resources since they lack the necessary skills.

Despite of its importance, this has not been implemented effectively thus, many schools still lack improved performance especially in English Language. This is alarming and it indicates that school performance in secondary schools is poor which has led to poor performance in English especially in external examinations

Specifically, secondary school students in collaboration of some corrupt teachers has always device a way out examination malpractices. Special and miracle centers becomes the order of the day after all, the end justifies the means.
 It is on this the study centers on an investigation on the factors affecting students’ performance in English language

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The major purpose of this study is to examinean investigation on the factors affecting students’ performance in English language. Other general objectives of the study are:

1 To examine factors that influence students’ academic performance in English language in secondary schools

2 To examine the relationship between school factors and academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure

3 To examine the influence of home factors on the academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure

4 To outline the causes of poor academic performance of students in English language

5 To recommend ways of improving academic performance of secondary school students in English language


1.4 Research Questions

1 what are the factors that influence students’ academic performance in English language in secondary schools?

2 what is the relationship between school factors and academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure?

3 what is the influence of home factors on the academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure?

4 what are the causes of poor academic performance of students in English language?

5 what are the ways of improving academic performance of secondary school students in English language?


Hypothesis 1

HO:There is no significant influence of home factors on the academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure

H1:Availability of study aids is one of the factors that influences students’ academic performance in the study of English Language in secondary schools

Hypothesis 2

HO:There is no significant relationship between school factors and academic performance of students of secondary school in English language in Akure

H1:The study habits of students is one of the factors that influences students’ academic performance in the study of English Language in secondary schools


Previous studies focuses on different factors such class schedules, class size, English text books, homework, environment of the class, technology used in the class and exams systems, extracurricular activities, family and work activities, financial, and etc. The study may helpful for both college’s policy makers and parents of the students. It helps the college administration to design and implement the policies to improve the students’ performance and the quality of education by changing the attitude of students towards learning, facilitating students and improving the teaching procedures. Parents can use the outcomes of the study to solve the students’ problems especially financial problems and to look after them. It may also create awareness among students about their rights and responsibilities to achieve quality education


The study would cover an investigation on the factors affecting students’ performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Akure Ondo state


The researcher was faced with the following constraints in carrying out this study:

Time: The time within the researcher is too short to carry on the detail study on this topic.

Resources: Another constraint of the researcher is financial resources to carry on the detail study of this topic.
Data: Another limitation to this study will be lack of data to make valid study on the research problem.

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 Format: MS WORD ::   Chapters: 1 - 5 ::   Pages: 57 ::   Attributes: Questionnaire, Data Analysis, Abstract  ::   2271 engagements

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