1.1 Background to the study
The most pathetic feature Nigerian society today is that a majority of its
members are living in a state of destitution while the remaining relatively
insignificant minorities are living in affluence. These skewed economic relations do
not reflect the geographic spread of resources endowment. It is true that where one
comes from can be a strong determinant of one’s economic status because of
difference in opportunities and constraints. That is why every society is making
sure that her citizens are educated because education plays an important role in
the well being of any nation that want to sustain its prominence in the global scene
this is because education not only liberates, it is a vital tool for empowerment that
allows meaningful contributions to the development of a society as such, it is
believed that education is the foundation for sustainable lifelong learning that
enable learners acquire functional literacy as well as skills that will make himself
reliant. At independence in 1960, efforts to eradicate poverty in Nigeria have
centered more on education because poverty has no geographical boundary; it is
seen in the North, West, South and East. It is found in the rural as well as in the
urban areas of Nigeria. The World Bank recently reported that the sub-Saharan
African countries including Nigeria have the largest share of people living in
poverty according to World Bank poverty is hunger. The poor are those who are
unable to obtain an adequate income, find a stable job, own property or maintain
healthy conditions. They also lack an adequate level of education and cannot
satisfy their basic health needs (Sancho, 1996) thus, the poor are often illiterate in
poor health and have a short life span (world bank 1995). They have limited access
to basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, decent shelter and are unable to
meet social and economic obligations they lack skills and gainful employment,
have few, if any economic assets and sometimes lack of self esteem (Olayemi,
Social studies was introduced in Nigeria on the national basis as part of the
general curriculum conference at 1969 National Conference at Lagos. At the
conference social studies was given primary importance as a tool for implementing
the national policy on education in 1977. It was a right tool to be used to instill in
the youths right values and attitudes. Thus, social studies could be seen as a
programme of study in our schools which is used to inculcate in the learners the
knowledge skills, attitude and actions considered important in human relationship
in the society. According to NERDC (2000) social studies is those common learning
of man’s interaction with his social and physical environment. It is not only a study
but a way of life of how man influence and is influenced by his physical, social,
political, economic and eternal environment. Obidoa (1991) highlighted the
following as some of the reasons behind the introduction of social studies into the
Nigerian educational system.
To train Nigerians to be effective leaders and good followers
To enable Nigerians to know and use the resources of their physical
environment very well
Through social studies we learn about our inheritance and our past and
present experiences and how to use these to solve our present problems
To make people understand their culture and the culture of other Nigerians
To help individual to develop and a good sense of moral and social
Through social studies we develop a curiosity out of our environment.
To make people realize the need for honesty, hard work and cooperation
with others in the society.
Social studies is centered around studying the problems in the society and
teaching the individual the best way of solving such problems. It is interesting to
note that any country have it’s peculiar problems which if not solve or minimize
may hinder the development of that country therefore through social studies
education, students are able to identify such problems and ways of solving them.
(Ogundare, 2000).
Ogunsanya (2000) relate to social studies education as field of study which
help to impart knowledge directly or indirectly of wealth creation this is because
what an individual need to live beyond poverty is just a push regarding wealth
creation thus social studies education is one study that encourages self reliance and
working in group to achieve a purpose.
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