This study is an attempt to assess the role of cooperative societies in the development of a nation. Specially, the performance of cooperative society in Rivers State developmental process was used as a case study. However, the meaning of co-operative society, its significance and its history in Rivers state was also discussed. The research design used in this study is the quasi experimental Design administration of structured questionnaire, information from ministry of commerce and industry, cooperative Division Port Harcourt and related literatures from the website. Therefore, the study suggest the conscious affords should be made by both the government and private institutions to enhance the contribution of these cooperative societies to the socio-economic well being of the people of Rivers State. Finally, having identified the ailment the following recommendation will enhance the improvement of the cooperative activities in the state. There should be no communication gap believer the cooperators and the government supervisor. Cooperators should strictly adhere to any laid down rules and regulations of the cooperators.
Co-operative societies or organization simply means business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefits whether many co-operation is worthwhile or not depends on the activity and the means by which such co-operation is brought about or maintained.
The co-operative societies have only on instance of co-operation amongst the innumerable others like joint stock companies, capitalist cartels, marketing broad schemes, to mention but fens. We need to ascertain not so much the characteristics features of the co-operatives societies in particular. Legend has it that co-operation dates back as far as human being have being organizing for mutual benefits. Tribes were organized as co-operative structures, allocating job and resources among each other, only trading with the external communities. Post industrial Europe is home to the first co-operatives from an industrial context.
The co-operative societies, away from capitalist cartels, political organization and religions bodies operate distinctly within the ambit of “a law” establishing it.
The ordinance stipulates that there should be political and religious neutrality. This is so because political and religion inclination breed rancour disgust and antagonism, and these attributes are not in consonance with a co-operative movement.
Although, co-operative society engaged in business transactions with outside’s (non-members) generally, the members owns and manage the affairs of capitalist cartels, which employs non-owners to work for a wage.
The co-operative system does take over the whole economic activities of any country. For instance, there are no co-operatives railways, ocean liners or international airtime, co-operation played very little part in heavy engineering.
The field in which co-operative societies is strong and seems to have almost unlimited scope for development are agriculture, landing of agricultural products, the production and distribution of consumers goods, banking and insurance.
Co-operative societies also played a useful part in the organization of forestry, local transport, housing some high industries and certain public services, where local or material governments do not provide these.
In assessing the performance of co-operative society’s operators believes that the essential consideration is whether they have achieved their basic objectives from project specification and the national point of view. Ijere (2006) opined that, “one way of assessing the impact of co-operative society is by looking at the extent of which that society has been able to achieve its socio-economic objectives”.
Rivers State Government has been making deliberate attempts in raising the living and the general welfare of its citizens. Such meaningful efforts manifest themselves in policies directed towards improved production of food, massive investment, education and industrial projects to mention but a few.
However, there are obvious constraints that militate against the maximum realization of those policy goals. These constraints might be in form of “resource short falls” or deficient “management”.
This goes to indicate that the government cannot provide all the essential services for the individual.
The strive for survival therefore lies on the individuals to supplement government efforts for their materials well being. Where the individual is enabled to do this, he seeks an association with other people.
Hence, in order to improve their economic well being, most rural communities and indeed, a part of the urban population have formed co-operatives, thereby pooling their resources to do things, as individuals they are humble to do so. Society usually stands out sufficiently, clearly, in terms of their economic, cultural and social and often psychological condition.
In Rivers State, there are numerous co-operative organizations in operation; this study seeks to investigate the existence and activities of co-operatives in order to evaluate, exploit and appraise their performance with regards to the following objectives:
To increase the standard of living, educate their members and to encourage socio-economic development in the state, provide goods and services to its members and this enable them to attain increased income and saving, investments, productively and purchasing power and promote among them, equitable distribution of net surplus through maximum utilization of economics of scale, cost-sharing and risk-sharing etc. By so doing, we can establish whether or not the co-operatives organizations have contributed in any measure to the development process of Rivers State.
The objective of this research work amongst other is to critically demonstrate the fact that co-operative societies are of importance to the National development in Rivers State, Nigeria. The objectives include:
To find out what would be the effect of the co-operative organization as a result of development background.
To find out if the promotion of job status has significant effect on development.
To find out if the co-operative societies has any relationship with pay, supervision and co-workers interaction
To find out the level of development existing in the country and the management staff.
In the course of this study, efforts would be made to answer the following relevant questions:
iii. What are contributions of development process in Nigeria?
Over the years, co-operatives society of various kinds has been established in all part of the country. Rivers state in particular has about 100 percent rural dwellers, poor workers, peasant farmers, craftsman’s autism, students etc.
This study therefore becomes very significant, in fact, it arms at revealing whether or not the co-operative societies as it function in Rivers State has improved the lots of people in the areas of employment, increase production, savings, creation of credits, and supply of requisite and marketing of products.
Secondly, it will make a co-operative analysis of the organization over the years which will lead us to assess and determine its performance in relation to the economic development of the state generally.
A hypothesis is a tentative answer to a research problem it is also a statement used to proved or disapproved as a result of the finding.
Ho (Null Hypothesis)
Hi (Alternative Hypothesis)
In order to have a clean test and validity of this study, the two hypotheses mentioned above will be used.
Ho: That there is significant relationship between the number of co-operative societies in a nation and the extent of national development in Nigeria.
Hi: That people achieve more of these individual aims by coming together than depending on the national development to come.
Ho: That the activities of co-operative societies are of more social event then national development.
Hi: The co-operative societies help in the national development in Nigeria.
This research work will be limited to the ministry of commerce and industry, Port Harcourt.
It is also critical to the roles of co-operative society and at the time raise possible solution to the probable problem in question.
The major limitations of this research work are as follows:
Time constraints
These three major factors will inhibit the scope of this work especially crunch. Based on these limiting factors, the researcher will hardly have all that it takes to successfully carry out this study. It is in view of this that the research work will be limited to the ministry of commerce and industry, Port Harcourt, Rivers State
Co-operative society: A co-operatives society may be defined as an autonomous association of persons who voluntarily cooperate for their mutual social economic and cultural benefits.
Co-operative as Legal Entities: A co-operative is a legal entity owned and democratically controlled by its members.
Development: Development is defined as the phenomenon of improvement in material, physical, mental spiritual and moral quality of life, resulting from rising real incomes as to reduce or evaluate poverty, unemployment, justified the provision of better food, shelter, health, education and production.
Rural Development: Rural Development is concerned with the improvement of living standards for the low-income earners population living in the rural areas.
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